
国外博彩app有一个全面的薪酬理念,旨在吸引, retaining, 并奖励有才能和多样化的员工队伍.



符合它的使命, vision, and values, 国外博彩app有一个全面的薪酬理念,旨在吸引, retaining, 并奖励有才能和多样化的员工队伍. This philosophy embodies the university's commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment that empowers employees to thrive and contribute effectively to the institution's mission and goals. 支付程序, systems, 并将定期评估行政程序,以确保外部市场竞争力, 内部公平, 财政责任.   




  • 该职位的市场参考区间(MRR).
  • 对已获得的与职位要求相关的能力的评估.
  • A projection of the number of years required to attain performance expectations given current capabilities.  

Consideration must also be given to the availability of funds within the division budget and the labor market. The University’s Market Reference Ranges are sufficiently broad to support pay decisions that are market competitive. Each Market Reference Range includes five anchoring pay rates that can assist managers in establishing pay rates for their new staff employee:

Minimum:市场上观察到的最低工资,低于此工资,MRR内的员工将不被支付工资. Paying at, 或略高于, the range minimum may be appropriate only for those who meet only the minimum requirements of the position.


第一个四分位数: 最低工资和中点之间的工资比率. A pay rate at or near the 1st Quartile may be appropriate for new hires with developing capabilities but who will most likely require 2-4 years to be judged fully capable of performing at expectations.


Midpoint:相当于市场中位数的薪酬. Pay at or near the range midpoint may be appropriate for those with directly relevant experience and capabilities and who are expected to immediately and consistently perform at position expectations.


第三个四分位数和最大值少数情况下,可能会决定确定高于中点的工资率. 这样的费率超出了市场竞争费率,以Midpoint为代表, but reflect uncommon capabilities that significantly exceed position requirements and that benefit the University. 在任何情况下,起薪都不会超过市场参考范围的最大值.


A review of pay rates within the work group is recommended as a final step in establishing pay at hire. 人力资源 assists by further comparing the recommended rate to those performing similar work across the University. The hiring manager consults with division/department leadership and 人力资源 when establishing pay rates at hire.

A Promotion is defined as elevation to a new position with essential responsibilities that are significantly greater than the current position and a higher Market Reference Range. 在晋升之日起,工资率至少调整5%. 受以下因素影响,实际调整率可能会更高.

  • 相对于新职位的市场参考范围,目前的薪资水平.
  • 与新职位的基本要求相比,评估已取得的能力. Typically, someone who is being promoted will be judged to be developing toward the requirements of the position and the recommended pay rate will reflect this assessment.
  • 成本中心或学院/学校/部门的资金可用性.

When the promotion occurs at the same time as an annual merit review the promotional increase will be no less than the increase earned for performance in the review year. 根据上述准则,实际增加的数额可能更大.

Division management consults with 人力资源 on all aspects of a planned promotion including appropriateness of the action and pay.

A staff employee may voluntarily transfer to a staff position assigned to a lower Market Reference Range to redirect the path of his or her career. It may be appropriate to reduce the employee’s pay rate as of the transfer date depending on the following factors:

  • 相对于新职位的市场参考范围,目前的薪资水平.
  • 与新职位的基本要求相比,评估已取得的能力.
  • 成本中心或学院/学校/部门的资金可用性.

Consideration should be given to the additional capabilities that the employee offers in the new position including depth of familiarity with university systems, 程序和人员以及大学经验的广度. It may be reasonable to expect a minimal development period to reach the full expectations of the position. 因此,在甚至高于市场参考范围中点的水平支付可能是可以接受的.

1. 什么是绩效薪酬制度?它是如何运作的?

Our pay program provides a financial incentive to meet or exceed the requirements of the job and to focus on activities that best support our mission and align with priorities of the University and the division/department.

  • In a merit-based pay system each eligible employee receives an increase in pay based primarily on these factors:
  • 你在财政年度审查期间的缴款,以及
  • 你目前的工资水平与你职位的市场参考范围的中点相比较.

Division leaders allocate increases among faculty and staff from a pool of dollars made available from the University’s annual budget. HR provides guidelines to help differentiate increases for faculty and staff while also ensuring a level of consistency from group to group.

2. 市场目标是什么? 市场中位数是多少?

The University has established an objective (or target) for its faculty and staff pay programs where on average, 我们的薪酬水平与已确定的市场比较组的中位数相当. 中位数是按升序或降序排列的数字范围中的中间数字. Most organizations use the median in determining the midpoint for a pay range that represents a specific discipline or a group of similar positions. 我们使用中位数而不是平均值, or average, 因为中位数更能代表数据的集中趋势. 由于数据中的极端高点和低点的影响,通常不使用平均值.

3. 统一的基本工资调整是生活费用(可乐)的增加吗? 为什么苏大没有可乐系统?

The uniform base pay adjustment was planned as a one-time event for this year in recognition of the extremely unusual circumstances around the pandemic while a COLA is a pay system that utilizes across the board increases tied to a cost-of-living index. SU adopted a merit-based pay system several years ago in recognition that a system where everyone receives the same percent of pay regardless of contribution does not sufficiently recognize and reward individual achievement.

4. 在这个薪酬周期中,每个人都会得到市场公平调整吗?

而董事会批准了资金以解决市场公平问题, it will be prioritized to address those employees who fall farthest below the market median starting with those who may being falling below the current minimum established for their position. 这意味着并不是每个员工都能在这个薪酬周期中获得公平调整.

5. 国外博彩app如何了解一个职位的市场需求?

国外博彩app participates in a number of national and local compensation surveys to establish benchmarks.



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